English  / عربي

مجلة كليات التربية


بالعلم ..تبني الاوطان

استخدام التقييم لتحسين تعليم اللغة

(د . جمال ابوعجيلة دلاله كلية التربية العجيلات جامعة الزاوي)

Using Assessment to Improve Stud Language Learning**Abstract**There has been a shift of emphasis from assessment to a learning perspective. Assessment should determine and support student learning quality during study rather than to examine student learning quantity after study. Assessment for education strongly supports the involvement of students in their won learning. It helps students to know their strengths and weaknesses. Current trends in assessment and learning require that learners need to be actively involved in classroom activities rather than to be passive and dependent ones.Nevertheless, there had been much debate on the issue of interactive teaching methods – a move from traditional teacher-led classrooms to a more communicative context which requires learner and learning-centred approaches. Yet, most of English language teachers are still dominating the classes and using inappropriate traditional assessment forms in which students are excluded from taking part in the learning process. Finally, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the essential role of assessment in the enhancement of student learning in everyday English classes.